Measurement of ground reaction forces in cats after total hip replacement

Gregor Schweng, Barbara Bockstahler, Alexander Tichy, Klaus Zahn, Georg Haimel, Günter Schwarz, Eva Schnabl-Feichter
J Feline Med Surg. 2024 Dec;26(12):1098612X241297894. doi: 10.1177/1098612X241297894.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate ground reaction forces (GRFs) in cats after unilateral total hip replacement (THR) and compare them with cats after femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO).

Methods: The databases of the Small Animal Clinic of the Veterinary University in Vienna and three referral clinics were searched for cats that had undergone unilateral THR with the BioMedtrix Micro total hip system or FHO more than 6 months previously. Owners were invited to complete a survey and bring their cats for re-examination, inlcuding clinical and orthopaedic examinations, hip radiography and a gait analysis using a pressure-sensitive plate.

Results: Nine cats were included in each group. Cats after THR showed larger GRF values (peak vertical force [PFz] and vertical impulse [IFz] normalised to total force [%TF]) on the operated limb. The resulting symmetry indices (SIs) were lower in terms of vertical force in 7/9 (78%) cats and vertical impulse in 6/9 (67%) cats between the hindlimbs in cats after THR compared with FHO - SI (PFz) = 3.31% ± 2.19% (THR) vs 4.84% ± 2.99% (FHO) and SI (IFz) = 5.17% ± 3.66% (THR) vs 8.27% ± 3.12% (FHO). Cats after FHO showed significantly lower muscle circumference and range of motion (ROM) at the operated hindlimb compared with the contralateral side, whereas cats after THR showed no statistically significant differences between their hindlimbs. Owner surveys revealed significant differences in their subjective assessment of activity and change in gait between the two groups, with better values for cats after THR.

Conclusions and relevance: This was the first study that measured GRFs in cats after THR. PFz (%TF) and IFz (%TF) values were higher in the operated limb of the THR group than in those of the FHO group, resulting in lower symmetry indices (indicating better symmetry) and better loading of the corresponding hindlimb. This finding is clinically relevant and can help in making decisions regarding the treatment of hip joint pathologies in cats.